Woman Is Shocked To Find Her Cat Was Leading a Double Life 275

Pixi is an incredibly sweet cat that lives in Mexico with his owner, Mary Lore Barra. Though Pixie comes and goes as he pleases, his owner couldn’t have ever imagined the secret this furry friend had! We had a cat like this who’d disappear for a week at a time and then show back up. Finally he came home wearing a ridiculous pink bowtie and an expression like “Get this thing off me.” Turns out a little old lady down the street was spoiling him. Cats go where the food is. We had a cat like this… well, we didn’t exactly own her. She’s been coming in here for several years and never had a collar or anything. We’ve named her Annie, and suspected she was our neighbor’s cat. We came to see him, and informed him Annie would often stay to be petted and fed every time; and the owner told us he had named her Maya. She basically has two lives now.

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