First Steps to a Golden Retriever and Kitten Friendship 🥰 282

Aww, Bailey is so gentle, so kind, so friendly. I love him so much.😍😍😍😍😘,,,,,, Ohhhhhhh it’s incredible ! Bayley is so cute and so gentle with the kitten. He replaces his mom, fluffy Bayley. He is entlited to kisses, hugs and a lot of ham !💋💖💋💖,,,,, Bailey no miraste a tu colega gatuno 🤣🤣pero lo dejas cerca pacientemente,es un amor, éste perro me encanta y sus dueños que lo han criado tan excelente 🌹👌👍😘 ,, Awww ! That’s why Bailey is my favourite always ❤️😘 He’s such an angel. Softy, softy and loving, accepting. Darling , sweetheart

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