Baby Cheetah Meets Puppy Playing 4,029

6-week-old cheetah cub named Ruuxa and his new dog companion have been spending lots of time together. The puppy, a 7-week-old Rhodesian ridgeback puppy named Raina, and Ruuxa are being introduced by animal care staff at the Safari Park. The puppy will be raised with the cheetah and serve as his lifelong companion.
Safari Park cheetahs selected for training as ambassadors are paired early in life with a domestic dog. As the two companions grow up together, the dog’s body language will communicate to the cheetah that there’s nothing to fear in new or public surroundings, which relaxes and calms the cheetah. The Safari Park currently has four cheetah ambassadors all of which are trained to participate in the Park’s Cheetah Run experience.

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